How to play multiple videos one after another using HTML5 and JavaScript

Its a common question if you gonna make an application that requires to play multiple videos using HTML5 and JavaScript then this is the correct place you are. Here I will explain how you can play multiple videos using HTML5 and JavaScript.

Play Multiple Videos using JavaScript

Step 1


Copy paste the below code in test.html file-

<video autoplay playsinline loop controls="controls" id="videoPlayer" height="200">

Step 2


Script file should look like this-

let videoSource = new Array();
videoSource[0] = '';
videoSource[1] = '';
let i = 0; // global
const videoCount = videoSource.length;
const element = document.getElementById("videoPlayer");

function videoPlay(videoNum) {
    element.setAttribute("src", videoSource[videoNum]);
    element.autoplay = true;
document.getElementById('videoPlayer').addEventListener('ended', myHandler, false);

videoPlay(0); // load the first video
ensureVideoPlays();	// play the video automatically

function myHandler() {
    if (i == videoCount) {
        i = 0;
    } else {

function ensureVideoPlays() {
    const video = document.getElementById('videoPlayer');

    if(!video) return;
    const promise =;
    if(promise !== undefined){
        promise.then(() => {
            // Autoplay started
        }).catch(error => {
            // Autoplay was prevented.
            video.muted = true;

Step 3

Save the file and call the script.js file on test.html file. Open the test.html file in browser and you are set!

Here is a code snippet I have prepared on jsFiddle for testing-


This article explains how to play multiple videos one after another using JavaScript and HTML5. If you want to get more JavaScript codes, I would recommend checking them here.

7 thoughts on “How to play multiple videos one after another using HTML5 and JavaScript

  1. Hi, thank you for your post.

    The codes work great, however, in my particular case, the end-user may click on the first video videoSource[0], or one after that, videoSource[1] or videoSource[2]for example. Is there anyway for the array to start playing the next video, regardless of the one selected by the end-user?

    Thank you in advance

    1. In that case just pass the clicked index to play in videoPlay(index_here); function. So it will play the selected video and then will automatically play the next one from the list.

    1. By the word URL link, do you mean there should be a link attached to each video so when user clicks / interacts with the video, that link will open ?

  2. How can i repurpose this to preload lets say 3 different videos and put them in different video id elements? so they preload, autoplay on repeat same as here.

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