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Real World Examples of 5 Common Observable Operators

Reactive Extensions of JavaScript is a library for reactive programming. It is commonly known for its operators. The RxJS Operators are also known as Observable Operators.

What are Operators?

Operators are pure functions. They take observable as input and return output as observable.

5 Common Observable Operators

Some real world uses of common observable operators

Let’s understand each of them with examples.

Typeahead Search

Implementing a typeahead search with angular observable operators becomes really easy. It has switchMap, debounceTime, takeUntil etc operators which are very useful in this scenario.

I will use debounceTime and takeUntil to achieve typeahead search. If you would like to know more about why this then visit a Case Study by Brecht Billiet here: Building a safe autocomplete operator

This example covers following observable operators- switchMap debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged and takeUntil

In this example I will search the keyword in OMDB. It requires an API key to be passed in the url. If you do not have a key, get it from here.

Follow the link to get an OMDB API key.

You will get the OMDB API Key in Mail


Replace <your api key> with OMDB API key.

typeahead.component.ts file code

typeahead.component.html file code

The Network calls look like this

Typeahead Search Network Calls

Handle API Errors

An application should have a global error handler as well. But sometimes you need to show a custom message for a particular API. In that case this catchError comes as a handy operator.

This example covers following observable operators- catchError

Add the code in service file:

I have used an invalid URL show that it can throw an error.

Call the catchErrorExample method from component.

You will notice the error in Browser Console.

Custom Exception using CatchError

Modify API Response

In many of the scenarios the use of map operator comes in. One of them is modify your api response before binding on page.

This example covers following observable operators- map

Suppose you want to append the country code to every phone number based on the user country. Then this operator will help.

In this example I have used json-server to create an users fake API.

db.json file

Start json server using below command:

json-server --watch db.json

Put getUser function in app.service.ts file.

app.component.ts file

app.component.html file

The output is:

Modified Response Output

You will notice in the response above that it appends +91 at the beginning of Phone number. But initially it was not there in the db.json file. That is done using map operator.

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What’s next

This article covers real world uses of some common Angular Observable Operators. I hope it could make a little difference in your understanding about RxJS Operators. That’s all for now.

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