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Building REST APIs with NestJs and MongoDB


In today’s world, creating a robust and scalable backend application is essential for the success of any modern application. RESTful APIs have become the de facto standard for communication between client-side and server-side applications. NestJs is a powerful framework that simplifies the creation of such APIs. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on building REST APIs with NestJs and MongoDB.

Getting Started With NestJs: A Beginner’s Guide


Before we get started, you need to have some basic knowledge of:

Setting up the Environment

Let’s start by setting up our development environment. We will be using NodeJs, so make sure you have it installed on your system. We will also use npm to manage our dependencies. Once you have installed NodeJs, open your terminal and run the following command to install NestJs CLI globally:

Next, we will create a new NestJs project. Run the following command in your terminal:

This will create a new NestJs project with the name nest-mongodb. Navigate to the project directory by running:

We will be using the official MongoDB driver for NodeJs called mongoose. Install it by running the following command:

Next, we have to install the inbuilt package from NestJs library @nestjs/mongoose

Creating the API

Let’s create a simple API to manage users. We will have the following endpoints:

First, let’s create a user model. Create a new file called user.model.ts in the src directory and add the following code:

Next, let’s create a user schema. Create a new file called user.schema.ts in the src directory and add the following code:

Now, let’s create a user service. Create a new file called user.service.ts in the src directory and add the following code:

We are using the @nestjs/mongoose package to inject the User model into our service. The findAll, findOne, create, update, and delete methods correspond to the endpoints we will be creating.

Next, let’s create a user controller. Create a new file called user.controller.ts in the src directory and add the following code:

We are using the @nestjs/common package to define our endpoints. The findAll, findOne, create, update, and delete methods correspond to the methods in our UserService.

Finally, let’s connect to our MongoDB database. Open the app.module.ts file in the src directory and add the following code:

We are using the @nestjs/mongoose package to connect to our MongoDB database using the URI mongodb://localhost/nest-mongodb. We are also registering our User model with MongooseModule.

Testing the API

We have now created our API. Let’s test it by running the following command:

This will start our NestJs application. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/users. You should see an empty array. Let’s create a user by sending a POST request. You can use any REST client like Postman or Insomnia. Send a POST request to http://localhost:3000/users with the following JSON body:

You should get a response with the created user object. Let’s get all users by sending a GET request to http://localhost:3000/users. You should see an array with the created user object. You can test the other endpoints in a similar way.

NestJs MongoDB Create User from Postman

The screenshot displayed above depicts a call made from Postman to the “POST” API of a user creation endpoint, which in turn adds a new user to a MongoDB database.

NestJs Get Users from MongoDB

The screenshot displayed above depicts the GET users api showing user result created from POSTMAN.


In this article, we have learned how to build RESTful APIs with NestJs and MongoDB. We created a simple API to manage users and used the official MongoDB driver for NodeJs called mongoose. We created a user model, a user schema, a user service, and a user controller. We also connected to our MongoDB database using MongooseModule. We tested our API using a REST client like Postman or Insomnia. NestJs provides a powerful and flexible framework for creating robust and scalable RESTful APIs.

Building REST APIs with NestJs and MongoDB using the Mongoose plugin is easy to implement. Subscribe to my newsletter so that you get emails to the most exciting articles published on NestJs.

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