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Deploying a Remix App to Production with Containerization


The Remix React Framework is a modern web framework that allows you to code both the front and back end together creatively. It uses React syntax with TypeScript (or JavaScript) to build components and define route handlers for the back end. This article gives you easy-to-follow steps for deploying a React Remix app to Production with containerization.

Are you looking out to setup MySQL in Docker? Let’s look at the step-by-step way of setting up MySQL in a Docker container.

Understanding Remix and Containerization

Remix lets developers use React for both the backend and front end of their apps. Unlike regular React, where data is fetched on the client side, Remix fetches data on the server side before showing it on the screen.

Containerization is like packing up all the stuff an app needs to work into a single box. This box includes the app’s code, files, and libraries, so the app can run smoothly on any type of computer setup. It allows developers to write an app once and use it on any setup. This is super useful for making apps work well during development and with different vendors.

Preparing the Remix App for Production

Get your React Remix app ready to go live! Here are some things to do:

  1. Finish up your environment variables in the .env file.
  2. Add or change any variables or values.
  3. Make your Remix app ready for action by running npm run build.

Docker and Containerization

This step plays a crucial role in deploying a React Remix app to Production with Docker Containerization.

Create a Docker Compose and Dockerfile that sets up a Node.js Alpine image. This image is where we’ll run our React Remix app.

Docker Compose Script to Deploy Remix App

Here’s a setup script in Docker Compose to launch your Remix app for production. Remember, feel free to tweak it based on what you need.

Dockerfile to Hold Instructions for Deploying Remix App

Create a Dockerfile to hold the instructions for building a deploying the React Remix app to Production.

The Dockerfile sets up Node.js 18 Alpine image to prepare the environment for the Remix app. It uses npm ci to cleanly install the dependencies. Then, it builds the app with npm run build and starts it using npm run start on port 3000.

Building and Pushing the Docker Image

Now, it’s time to build the Docker image. Just use this command to build and launch the container.

This will get the Node image from the Docker registry and publish the React Remix app into a Docker container.

React Remix App Docker Container Build

Check Docker Logs

Let’s look at the Docker container logs to make sure the app started without any problems!

Run the following command to get the logs:

Docker Remix App Container logs

Great news! The Remix app has started successfully!

Verify on Browser

Verify the app in the browser by opening this link: http://localhost:3000

React Remix App Running Successfully

You did it! Your React Remix app is now up and running in a Docker container.


Here’s a quick summary of Deploying a Remix App to Production with Containerization:

  1. Make a Docker Compose script with your Dockerfile
  2. Write a Dockerfile to get NodeJs Alpine and build the app
  3. Update the Dockerfile to build and launch the app
  4. Kick off the Docker container
  5. Check out your site in the browser

If your Docker service won’t start, take a look at this article. It could have some tips to help you get it working again.