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5 Great SEO Ideas To Improve Angular Website Ranking

5 great seo ideas to improve angular website ranking

5 great seo ideas to improve angular website ranking

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your site visibility from various search engines. It depends on various factors through which your site appears in search results. Angular Universal plays a big role in search engine optimization. Angular Universal is also known as SSR- Server Side Rendering. In this article we will talk about some great ideas that will help you improve your Angular website ranking.

What are the various factors that decrease your website ranking?

5 Great SEO ideas that will help you improve angular website ranking

  1. Meta records– provide site title and meta tags to each components as well as the index.html
  2. Angular Universal– implement angular universal (SSR)
  3. AMP– implement Accelerated Mobile Pages
  4. Optimization– optimize your website
  5. Compression and caching– enable static contents compression and caching at server
  6. Social Bookmarking and Backlinks– add your website to different bookmarking sites and get backlinks

Let’s understand each points with examples.

Update Meta Records

Meta tags improve the site crawl performance so that the search engine visibility is increased.

Meta Records benefits

Go through below code to add the title and meta data in root page (index.html) as well as in each components.

Site Title, Description and other Meta Tags in index.html

The next and very important step is to add meta tags in components that helps improve angular website SEO.

We will use Angular Meta service to meta tags of each components.

Import the service.

Inject the Meta service in component and use the addTags method.

That’s it. When you run your page and open View page source, you will notice your meta tags are in action.

Meta Tags are in Action on Component Page

Implement Angular Universal (Server Side Rendering)

Angular Universal is a technology that renders your page on server instead of client (as normal Angular or React app does). SSR helps execute the template on server and generates static application page that’s later gets bootstraped on the client. It helps search engines to crawl the page.

Angular Universal benefits

Let’s start implementing

Run the command below in your Angular project to integrate ng universal express engine.

It will generate following output.

Angular Universal output

It’s installed! Now is the time to run and test Angular Universal (SSR) in action. Run command below.

It will run your angular app on the same port 4200. Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser and open View page source.

Angular Universal SSR is in Action

You will notice the complete HTML is loaded in the browser. Great! Angular Universal is integrated and working.

Build SSR Project for Production

Run below command that will build both the server script and the application in production mode. Use this command when you want to build the project for deployment.

Implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

AMP is used to make fast performance pages which can be opened on mobile devices and that not only improves the search engine ranking but also improves the sales (if your website is into e-commerce domain).

At the moment there is not any appropriate library to convert Angular pages into AMP pages. We would need to convert them manually and render throw SSR (server side rendering).

We will do modification in the server.ts file generated by Angular Universal in above steps.

Manual AMP conversion steps are here – Convert HTML to AMP

Replace server.get('*', (req, res) => { code with below code in server.ts file.

The code will check for amp=1 in url query string. If it finds then it will come inside the condition and render the AMP string. You need to convert the htmlString to AMP before rendering.

I am creating a tool to convert Angular templates to AMP. I will update my article once the script is ready.

If you need the script, comment on the below post so that I can know how many people are needing it and I can give more time to script generation.


Site Optimization is the process of minifying static contents, reducing too many API calls, removing unnecessary codes/ variables, improving coding standards (use appropriate rxjs operators) etc.

Follow below steps to optimize your angular website for search engine ranking

All above points are already covered in my other articles. Follow them for step by step implementation of each one.

Compression and caching

Last but not the least. Compression and caching. These should be enabled at your server where the Angular website is deployed. You need to enable:


Here are steps to enable Gzip at nginx server on Ubuntu. It reduces website page load time and increases performance.

Enable Gzip on Nginx


This link will help you enable caching on Nginx server. You can cache the files for 365 days if you think there will not be any changes in your css / js.

Enable Caching

This method improves your website’s search engine visibility. It is similar to talking a lot of people about you make you more famous. So by adding backlinks of your site you are telling search engines that people are talking about you. And search engines will improve your website ranking.

Add your backlinks here- BookMyMark

But there is a notice-able point that you should not add your backlinks to spammy websites. It will decrease performance instead of increasing it. I have list of top free social bookmarking and backlinks websites if you want to take a look: Top 100+ Social Bookmarking and Backlinks Site List


This article covers how can you improve search engine indexing of your Angular website. If you still have any query for me, start a thread below.