Read a document from Firestore Database in Angular

Firestore is a commonly used database for Mobile, PWA and many more real time apps. Reading data from Firestore sometime becomes time taking for beginners. I will here explain how you can read a document from Firestore Database in Angular.

I am assuming you have created a Firebase Application and have done the Firebase Configurations. If not, click here to create.

Follow the steps:

1. Install @angular/fire/firestore

Run command npm i @angular/fire/firestore to install Firestore module in Angular project. Once installed, add that into the app.module.ts file.

2. Get document in component

Import Firestore package in component:

import { AngularFirestore } from "@angular/fire/firestore";

Create Instance in Constructor:

private firestore: AngularFirestore

Apply code to fetch data: (Note: Replace collectionName and documentId with your real collection name and document id before running the code)

      .then(data => {

You will see your document are displayed at Browser Console.


That’s it. Write me up for any query you are having. In this article we learnt about how to read a document from firestore database in Angular. Firestore is a NoSQL database mainly used by mobile apps.

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